We’ve all done it. Anyone who invests in real estate is bound to make a clunker deal sooner or later. I’ve been in this business for over 25 years and have made plenty of mistakes, and am always reminded that experience is what you get right after you needed it. The popularity of commercial real […]
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“What Got You Here – Won’t Get You There.”
Tired of single family houses, late paying renters, skips, evictions, and costly repairs? The list of headaches goes on and on, never ending and without regard for holidays, work schedules, or vacation plans. Heck, just keeping up with all of it is a full time job.
Do you have what it takes to make the move to Commercial Real Estate where the outlook is brighter, the management less “hands on”, and the rate of return far exceeds anything in the SFR world?
Here’s the good news: You can start investing in commercial real estate from wherever you are. All you need is a plan designed to get you where you want to go, starting from where you are, with detailed instructions of what you need to do and estimate of how long it will take.
Sound good? It gets better.
Ideally that guide would be personal, leveraging your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses. It would be customized with the amount of time and capital you have to invest, not a case study that assumes both are unlimited.
The difference between successful investors and those who wish they were depends on how well they prepare themselves for the task.
It’s simpler than you think.
Need to know more? That’s okay, and I understand. If you look around the website, you’ll find more details on each of the four steps above. Read through the articles, use a few of the downloadable tools, search the blog topics. What you’ll find is a wealth of information put here to guide you every step of the way.
Q1 2012 CRE Data: Office improves; Retail just less bad
Data from Reis.com indicates that the office sector continues to show slow but steady improvement and Retail continues to fight headwinds. Office Net Absorption and Vacancy: The national vacancy rate has regressed back to levels unseen since 1993 and remains well above the cyclical low of 12.5% from 2007 before the onset of the recession. […]
"As a recent purchaser of Ray's latest material, I strongly recommend Ray's recent masterpiece Dealmaker's Guide to Commercial Real Estate as the detailed answer source to most of the questions in the area of commercial real estate investing." - Mike Cheatwood
Mike Cheatwood
"There are only a handful of investors who are able to walk on water. You're one of them! I cannot begin to thank you for things - knowledge - you have given me. Just wanted you to know that you affect lives and change destinies!" - Bill Cook, Adairsville, GA
Bill Cook
"Ray, your video seminar is very good. The technical definitions and theory of RE investing are only as valuable as the numbers used to back them up. The best parts of your presentation are how you don't just say "normalize the income" you go step by step what that means, and show example numbers. - Judah Hoover's Signature Finance & Consulting, PA Mortgage Broker and Investor, President Harrisburg PA-REIA
Judah Hoover
"Folks, this is better than a Danielle Steele, Louis Lamour, Tom Clancy or Nancy Drew (take your pick!). A real page turner. It is so solid, so filled with real info, explanations, and strategy that not only am I beginning to see inside a banker's head, but beginning to look forward to doing another business plan! (Cut my tongue out - did I say that?) Do yourselves a favor and get hold of the Guide BEFORE you find yourselves with a hot deal in front of you and now idea how to handle it." - Carol K., Florida
Carol K.
"Ray, fantastic book. A real tour de force for anyone who wants to be in this business. If I had it 5 years ago, it would have save me a lot of mistakes. Highly recommended." - Bob Harper, CRE Online Newsgroup
Bob Harper
"Ray gets up and turns the fire hose on. Lots of details, lots of analysis and some well-timed humor. Even experienced investors start to see the error of their investing ways. When I asked the same individuals after Ray's presentation several said they likely should have passed on many of the deals that they completed. They now know there is a whole lot more to commercial real estate compared to "nothing down and then wait for appreciation." - John Corey, Chelsea Private Equity LLC US & UK Investor & Hard Money Lender
John Corey

Back to the Future in Commercial Real Estate:
If I Had a Do-Over How often do we get a chance in life for a do-over? Who hasn’t looked back at some period of life and wished we had known then what we know now? What if we had a “way-back” machine to return to a former stage? Would we change … Read More about Back to the Future in Commercial Real Estate:
Why DealMaker’s Guide
The real estate information industry is rife with hucksters, pretenders and wanna-be’s. Ray cuts through the hype as only someone with years of experience can. He believes that real estate is one of the few paths to independent wealth that is open to people from every walk of life, but only if you have accurate information to guide you.
Knowledge is the antidote to risk
Materials and resources available here will give you the education and tools you need to navigate the markets with confidence. We help you understand the big picture, how national conditions affect local markets, so you can make your own decisions based on reality rather than blind hope. The goal is to empower you with knowledge so you can take charge of your financial future by providing actionable intelligence to help you interpret market signposts and chart a successful course.
DealMaker’s Guide makes the complex comprehensible
Ray Alcorn has the rare ability to unravel even the most complex situations in real estate investment in a clear commentary that is meaningful to beginning investors and veterans alike. Ray speaks from a perspective that frames macroeconomic events within a broader context, yet is personally relevant to every level of investor.
Going beyond the headlines
Ray’s ongoing research takes him far beyond media headlines and trade journal puff pieces to the subtle clues buried in the back pages and footnotes of financial reports of the top players in the industry. He draws on a wide variety of sources, including world-renowned economists and analysts, in an unrelenting search for business trends. He analyzes news, data, and commentary from around the country, applying it to what matters to direct investors.
Opportunity, without the capacity to capture it, is an illusion
Being “wedded” to a particular property type, deal strategy, or financing technique is a mistake. This narrow focus will leave the investor unprepared for the majority of opportunities at any given moment. In our fast-changing world, specialized knowledge is vital to seizing opportunities wherever they may be found.
“Opportunity, without the capacity to capture it, is an illusion”
– Ray Alcorn
DealMaker’s Guide is dedicated to providing real-world, time-tested solutions to build wealth with Commercial Real Estate, the most lucrative sector of the industry. Commercial real estate is not rocket surgery. You don’t need a license to own it, a degree to understand it, or a secret club decoder ring.
What you do need is specialized knowledge, accurate and dependable information that increases your capacity to seize the profitable opportunities in any market. The material and resources available on DealMaker’s Guide are just that: practical knowledge gained from decades of experience.